Volunteer Opportunities - United Way Hands On

Volunteer Opportunities

Find Your Fit

Online Volunteer Center

Join INVOLVE, United Way of Central Alabama’s Volunteer Center, to match your skills with the needs in our community.

INVOLVE connects you with volunteer opportunities from UWCA and our partner agencies, as well as volunteer events from across our community.

Our Mission:

Connecting people with organized and meaningful volunteer opportunities to help bring about positive social change

For Individuals & Families

Connect to local volunteer opportunities that match your skills and interests through our online volunteer portal.


For Nonprofits

Are you in need of volunteers in Blount, Chilton, Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair or Walker counties? Submit a request on INVOLVE or reach out to LaDonnya at 205-458-8931 or ladonnya.vanhorn@uwca.org.

Submit a Volunteer Need
Large group of individuals smiling at camera

For Businesses

Hands On works with companies of all sizes to provide their employees with meaningful volunteer opportunities that make a difference in the community, enrich the lives of the volunteers and build better teams at work.

Corporate Volunteering

Interested In Volunteering Or Listing An Opportunity?

INVOLVE allows you to see the impact your work is having in the community. It also makes it easy to connect and share with others on upcoming events and activities.

INVOLVE, United Way of Central Alabama’s Volunteer Center, connects you with volunteer opportunities from UWCA and our partner agencies, as well as volunteer events from across our community. Follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Visit INVOLVE.
  2. Click sign up at the top right.
  3. Provide your name, email address and zip code.
  4. Click create account to see our most up-to-date opportunities!